Featured Pose: Vrksasana, Tree Pose

Featured Pose: Vrksasana, Tree Pose

//Vrksasana: Tree Pose

At the moment, life is moving in all sorts of directions.  Providing me with the opportunity, let’s be real, the challenge, of staying tuned into my center.  New opportunities and life changes that are worthy of pursual have the habit of arriving all at the same time. Keeping in alignment with my center, my truth, during the busier times of my life is a two-part act. Part one is being honest, and part two is being balanced.  In that order.  I have found, more often than not, that it is a very fine line between utter balanced bliss and fulfillment, and the feeling of being completely overwhelmed and out of sorts by the amount of to-dos.  We will always shift and move between both existences, back and forth, side to side, to some extent.  With a little self-awareness, honesty, and compassion for our journey we can dwell in our center and maintain our balance.

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