Roasted Rhubarb with Orange-Ginger Honey and Yogurt

Roasted Rhubarb with Orange-Ginger Honey and Yogurt

// When rhubarb arrives at the farmer’s market, a little sigh of relief moves through my body.  Spring is here and with it comes newness and abundance on the plate. A little tangy and a little sweet, this is a simple recipe that can be used for breakfast, a snack, or a lighter dessert.  

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Homemade Herbed Whole Wheat Pasta with Peas and Sunflower Sprouts

Homemade Herbed Whole Wheat Pasta with Peas and Sunflower Sprouts

// A fulfilling and bright spring dish. The herbed whole wheat pasta adds a level of depth and heartiness while the peas and sprouts provide essential lightness and nutrients. If you have never made homemade pasta, I encourage you to give it a go. It is relatively simple and is a totally different experience from its dried counterpart.

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Meditation: The Body Scan

Meditation: The Body Scan

**Last month in our mindful living post, we took a deep dive into meditation and mindfulness. We examined how the two relate, are different, and where to begin. Before starting this month’s mindfulness practice, I suggest returning to the previous article as we will be building off of the concepts mentioned there in today’s post. To review, click here.

//Meditation: a formal, scientific practice of turning your attention inward, away from external distractions, toward a concentrated focus on a single point of reference, such as the breath. Utilized to increase self-awareness, enhance presence in daily living, promote relaxation, and understand the most basic essence of peace and bliss.

//Body Scan: a meditation practice designed to develop awareness of the body through attention to and experience of each individual body part and its sensations.

My body is ever changing.  Each day when my eyes awaken to the new light and my ears attune to the sounds around me, I bring my mind to my body. For me, it is a similar sensation to meeting an old, dear friend where so many years have come in between. It is familiar and comfortable in the deepest sense, yet changed.  In the friendship, the years magnify the new and create a whole new territory to explore and know. I would suggest that with any relationship, especially the relationship with our body and mind, that these changes are, in a small way, happening on a daily basis. If we let too much time pass, ignoring the change around and within us, instead of attending to and sitting with them, we may one day wake up and hardly recognize ourselves. With a little attention and care, we can tap into and acknowledge both the constants, (the heartbeat, the breath, the thinking of the mind) and the changes that occur in our body, deepening the relationship that we have with ourselves.

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Featured Pose: Supta Matsyendrasana, Reclined Twist

Featured Pose: Supta Matsyendrasana, Reclined Twist

//Supta Matsyendrasana: Reclined Twist

Spring is upon us.  I am not sure about the rest of you, but winter seemed to linger a bit longer than was welcome in this household.  The stagnant air hanging about the hallways and the clouds from the Pacific lingering close to the dampened earth, perpetuating a state of grey and creating a sense of staleness.  I am ready for beginnings again, and just in time, they are here.  I sense them as I take my morning walks.  The birds are in full chorus and the perennials are bravely popping out of the chilled soil sprinkled from the rain. It feels fresh, clean, and full of possibilities.

Nonetheless, beginnings are a fragile business. We can see this truth in the world around us.  Seedlings hang close to the warm blanket of the earth and take comfort in her nutrients while trying desperately to root and create a system of sustaining and maintaining its growth in collaboration with its surroundings. All the while, facing the inevitable digressions of bad weather, other creatures invasions, and lack of sustenance.  If not for the haven of earth’s soil, the miracle of rain, and the power of the sun, life and progress would not be possible for this little plant.  Just like the seedling, our beginnings are just as fragile, not just the beginning of our life, but all the little beginnings we take through our life. It is essential that we create a suitable place in our body, mind, and environment to nurture our becoming. There are two essential elements to this movement: a sense of grounding and a sense of release. With these two pieces in place we can create a confident space for transformation and possibility.

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